Online Physiotherapy Consultation Services In Tripura

Subarna Debbarma

TRIGENICS Online Physiotherapy Consultation Services Offers Physiotherapy Consultation In Tripura, India

For the #1 time in Tripura patients in need of Physiotherapy treatment. Trigenics team of expert physiotherapists is here to help you follow your recovery and keep treating you online through phone,Chat & Video consultations so that you can recover faster at the comfort and safety of your home.

Lenguages- English, Hindi,Kokborok, Bangla 

Location link -

Cost in Rupees - video 2500 Phone 1500 Chat 1000

How to Consult with TRIGENICS Online Physiotherapist?

Follow this steps: click on WhatsApp Group > Read The WhatsApp Description >  Video/Audio/Chat Accordingly 

Within 10 minutes You Can Get A response from Therapist.

Phone Number: +919863404191

WhatsApp group link  -

What Is Online Physiotherapy Consultation?

Online Physiotherapy Consultation helps the patient who is in need of physiotherapy but is unable to visit to the physiotherapist or Physiotherapy Clinic because of some reason. In Online physiotherapy, the Physiotherapist will explain What to do? How to do it? and all your other questions.

What Can Expect In Online Physiotherapy Session?

• Patient Assessment and Diagnosis & Advices .

• Education about Disease , Injury, Illness , Rehabilitation.

• Precautions .

Exercise Prescription & Demonstration .

• Methods for Pain Relief.

• General Fitness and Office Ergonomics.

Who can consult Online Physiotherapy?

People facing with illness , Disease, Injury like -

• Respiratory problem

• general Weakness

• joint Pain

• Stiffness

• Back pain ,Neck Pain

• Paralysis

• Muscle pain 

• Foot pain

• Post Operative Patients

• Arthritis